Online Bachelor of Arts
A 64-Hour Online Program
This 64-credit program is for students who have completed an Associate’s degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA from another institution of higher learning.
Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
Old Testament Survey - 3
New Testament Survey - 2
Book of Acts - 3
Gospels - 4
Corinthians - 3
Elective Bible Courses - 15
2 Elective International Study Credits
2 Elective Religious Education Credits
3 Elective Ministry Credits
8 Additional Elective Credits
Christian Worldview - 2
Principles of Holiness - 2
Christology - 2
Soteriology - 3
Elective Theology Courses - 5
Intro. to Psychology or Intro. to Sociology - 3
Principles of Leadership - 2
Admissions, Tuition and Fees
• Completed Online Application
• Pastoral Reference
• High School Diploma or Equivalent
• Transcripts from Former Schools
Applicants to the Continuing Studies BA Program must have an AA Degree
Applicants to the Additional BA Program must have a BA Degree
One-Time Course Payment Program
$500 per courseMonthly Payment Program
$125 per course per month4-week Course Extension Fee: $115 per month
Late Payment fee: A $15 late fee will be added to any account that is more than 5 days past due.
Online Certificates
This program offers focused study and training in various disciplines. It is for anyone who desires to further their education. Our certificate programs include:
Christian Leadership
Biblical Studies
Apostolic Doctrine
Additional Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
Other Online Learning Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
This 128-credit program is for students who have completed an Associate’s degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA from another institution of higher learning.
Concurrent Study for High School Students
This program is for high school students who are interested in taking courses at Indiana Bible College. Credits earned will count toward our certificate and degree programs and in some cases may double as high-school credit. This program does require parental approval.
For parents and school administrators interested in offering courses from Indiana Bible College to your students, please contact us to discuss how we can partner together.
This 39-credit program is for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA from another institution of higher learning.
Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
his 64-credit program is for students who desire to obtain an Associate’s degree in Biblical Studies.
Degree Completion Programs
This program is for students who have partial degree credit from a UPCI endorsed Bible College and would like to complete an Associate of Arts (64 credits) or a Bachelor of Arts (128 credits) in Biblical Studies.
Students must earn a minimum of 32 credits from Indiana Bible College to receive any degree.