Worship Studies
Equipping those who feel a call to worship ministry with a concentration in musicianship and technology grounded in a strong biblical foundation.
“As Worship leaders, we have the important and terrifying task of placing words of worship on people’s lips.”
— John D. Witvliet
The Worship Studies degree at Indiana Bible College is a unique program blending music and media with a heart for ministry integrating the essential skills to prepare biblically grounded worship experiences.
The Worship Studies curriculum immerses students into the realm of worship ministry, helping students to define their musical skills, their integration of the Christian Bible and theology, their versatility in numerous musical styles, and a thorough understanding of how God’s Word is manifested through music.
The Worship studies program is perfect for students who wish to learn basic music worship skills, students who want to make music an added focus in their theological studies, or students who wish to fully delve into music ministry and potentially write and produce their own music.
At Indiana Bible College, there are certain principles from scripture that are emphasized as we study the vast subject of worship. First, we want our students to understand that God yearns for spirit and truth worshipers (John 4:24). Worship is about God and His desire to enter into a worship relationship with His people. Second, the students will be instructed concerning the role and preparation of the worship leader. Holiness and preparation are the foundation for effective worship leading as is seen in 2 Chronicles 5. Third, Biblical worship must be defined. Our student worship leaders must know what they are leading.
An effective philosophy or theology of worship must be built upon a foundation. As in the construction of a house, great care must be taken to make sure that its foundation is secure. In the day in which we live, there is a plethora of musical styles and many new voices trying to influence Christian worship. Through the din of the noise, let us never forget that true worship must have a sure foundation rooted in the Word of God.
“There is no experience in my life that shaped my identity as an Apostolic more than Indiana Bible College. At Indiana Bible College my talents were developed, my grasp on Apostolic doctrine was strengthened, and my passion for the kingdom was established. As a student, my ministry became a reality, and now my reality is ministry.”
— Abigail Haworth, Class of 2021
Biblical Studies
The Christian Leadership minor at Indiana Bible College trains students to be Biblically centered, spiritually sensitive, and technically capable of leading churches and ministries into future growth.
The Missiology minor is designed to provide training for missionaries and others who serve or plan to serve in intercultural ministry and church multiplication positions.
Christian Leadership
The Biblical Studies minor at Indiana Bible College focuses on training Apostolic ministry with the necessary tools for effective ministry.
Church Marketing
There is growing demand in churches for workers who are proficient with new media, technology, and marketing.
The Church Marketing concentration equips students to serve in a wide range of media ministries. Students are introduced concepts in branding, design, and marketing. Course offerings include Branding, Digital Promotional Strategies, and electives of Videography, Graphic Design, Web Design, and Media and the Christian.
The Preaching concentration helps students declare the Apostolic doctrine by providing courses such as Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Biblical Teaching and Preaching, Applied Preaching, and more. In addition to a challenging class environment, students will experience supportive ministerial mentoring and opportunities for hands-on ministry training.
The Education concentration seeks to enable students to have their own effective teaching ministry. Since teaching was such a vital part of the New Testament church, it must be reflected in the ministry of our graduates as well. Classes include Intro to Christian Education, Principles in Teaching, Classroom Management, Educational Psychology, as well as Teaching Assistant opportunities.
The Counseling concentration equips students to effectively minister to the hurting and provides a foundation for those who plan to continue their education in counseling-related fields. The concentration offers a unique combination of courses including Counseling, Pastoral Care and Counseling, as well as optional classes of Sociology, Psychology, Human Relations, and Applied Counseling.