Christian Leadership Certificate

A 15 Hour Online Program

Course Details

  • Survey of Ministry Leadership

    This course provides a new framework of what “leadership” entails while developing an understanding of personal leadership strengths and weaknesses. Particular emphasis is placed on getting a sound grasp of good leadership practice and developing the ability to apply such knowledge to ministry situations.

  • Organizational Leadership

    The course examines a Biblical approach to local church organizations and provides students with key factors that contribute to organizational success. Students will develop skills to effectively analyze and navigate current and future organizational structures through properly defining organization, and leadership, and distinguishing the difference between leadership and management.

  • Philosophies of Leadership

    This course examines the theories and models of leadership and followership. Students will develop an understanding of the skills and knowledge to best address leadership opportunities now and in the future. Particular emphasis is placed on selecting and deploying good leadership practices in various settings.

  • Team Dynamics

    The course focuses on the role of God in ministry teams, the challenges faced by leadership in communication, and how trust affects teams with an eye toward creating Christian teams that are led by God and change the world.

  • Theology Elective

    Select any Theology course already offered by Indiana Bible College Online Learning.

Admissions, Tuition and Fees

  • • Completed Online Application

    • Pastoral Reference

    • High School Diploma or Equivalent

    • Transcripts from Former Schools

    Applicants to the Continuing Studies BA Program must have an AA Degree

    Applicants to the Additional BA Program must have a BA Degree

  • One-Time Course Payment Program
    $500 per course

    Monthly Payment Program
    $125 per course per month

    4-week Course Extension Fee: $115 per month

    Late Payment fee: A $15 late fee will be added to any account that is more than 5 days past due.

Watch a course video sample

Other Certificate Programs Offered

Apostolic Doctrine Certificate

Biblical Studies Certificate

Online Certificates

  • This program offers focused study and training in various disciplines. It is for anyone who desires to further their education. Our certificate programs include:

    Christian Leadership
    Biblical Studies
    Apostolic Doctrine

    Program Page >

Additional Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

Other Online Learning Programs

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

  • This 128-credit program is for students who have completed an Associate’s degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA from another institution of higher learning.

    Program Page >

Concurrent Study for High School Students

  • This program is for high school students who are interested in taking courses at Indiana Bible College. Credits earned will count toward our certificate and degree programs and in some cases may double as high-school credit. This program does require parental approval.

    For parents and school administrators interested in offering courses from Indiana Bible College to your students, please contact us to discuss how we can partner together.

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  • This 39-credit program is for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum 2.0 GPA from another institution of higher learning.

    Program Page >

Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies

  • his 64-credit program is for students who desire to obtain an Associate’s degree in Biblical Studies.

    Program Page >

Degree Completion Programs

  • This program is for students who have partial degree credit from a UPCI endorsed Bible College and would like to complete an Associate of Arts (64 credits) or a Bachelor of Arts (128 credits) in Biblical Studies.

    Students must earn a minimum of 32 credits from Indiana Bible College to receive any degree.

    Apply or Contact Us >

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